
  • Time: 2022/11/16

2022 Automation Taipei

Equipping the robot with eyes and a brain, Performance S Corp. now makes the automation smarter. For years, the application of robot has been done on a pre-set moving path, following the fixed programmed orders. Nevertheless, we are now making some change by introducing from Europe some well-known 3D vision systems, Photoneo and PICKIT. For those materials randomly placed inside the bin/basket, the advanced vision systems first SEE through the 3D scanner for the placement, RATE and CHOOSE the target material, CALCULATE with the advance algorithm for the best in/out moving path, ACTIVATE the robot to complete the bin-picking. Performances S Corp. has been devoting to not only building a reliable machine, but also brining the automation to the next level. Our service range includes building one single machine, integrating cross-process work block, and designing and completing a whole production line. We seek to build a long term partnership with our customers and suppliers.